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Asphalt or Metal? The Best Material for Your Lancaster Roofing Project

Are you thinking of getting a new roof for your home? If so, you’re probably trying to figure out what type you should have installed by now. Like any sensible homeowner, you only want the highest quality roofing in Lancaster, PA. After all, your roof might just be the most important part of your home as it is the one that shields you from the harsh heat, heavy rains, and cold snow.

If you ask roofing professionals, they’ll tell you that the best materials are asphalt shingles and metal. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages that could help you decide which one you should go for.

roofing contractors lancaster pa


Anybody looking to invest in a major home renovation should consider the cost of the whole project first. Nobody wants to start the job and then find out that they don’t have enough resources to pull it off. Perhaps here is where asphalt shingles take the cake. Compared to metal, asphalt is more affordable, which makes it the perfect choice if you want to redo the entire house.


Metal roofing knocks it out of the park when it comes to durability. Metal is tougher and more resistant to wear, which makes it a superior material for Lancaster roofing projects. Aside from being weather resistant, good metal roofing is also fireproof. In contrast, asphalt shingles don’t even come close to metal’s 60-year projected lifespan.


Regarding physical characteristics, asphalt shingles tend to be more stylish. With a range of designs and styles available in many different shades, asphalt shingles have a unique air of elegance about them. On the other hand, metal roofing can appear to be a bit harsh despite its many color and pattern options; this austere aura lends the material a more professional look, however. It’s pretty much a toss-up between the two since some prefer the rustic feel of asphalt shingles, while some favor the presentable modernity of metal roofing.


One advantage metal has over asphalt is recyclability. According to a study by the National Association of Homebuilders Research Center, about 20 billion pounds of asphalt shingles end up in landfills every year; EPA studies even suggest that eight percent of the total building-related waste stream is made up of shingle waste. Thus, the recyclability of asphalt shingles is still inferior to that of metal roofing.

(Source: Roofing Materials – Asphalt Versus Metal?, DoItYourself.com)

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